What Matters to You, Matters to Me.

What challenges are you facing now?

What problems should we as a community be solving?


A Fair Share

Since 2016, City Council has allocated less than 5% of the total capital budget to District Two. That’s money that could have been directed to build and revitalize parks, pave roads, and provide other important people-centered services in our neighborhoods.

Jacob will be a fierce advocate for the people of District Two ensuring that your tax dollars are being fairly spent.

Our Kids

It takes a community to raise a child. Not long ago “our kids” meant the children of a neighborhood, not just the children of a particular household.

Studies indicate that kids who have strong relationships with caring adults engage in less risky behavior, have higher psychological and physiological well-being, and are generally better off than kids who don’t have those relationships.

If we want a flourishing city, then we have to provide opportunities for these trusted relationships to occur. The City of Pittsburgh has 10 recreation centers, none of which are in District Two. Our kids are missing out on a crucial opportunity to thrive.

Everything from playgrounds, to helping moms and dads, to a District Two recreation center, to creating partnerships with business, technical schools, universities, and non-profit agencies, Jacob will do everything in his power to invest in our kids.

Dignified Housing

Less than half of all Pittsburghers live in housing they own. And many who rent have landlords who don’t maintain their properties. Research shows that people who own their own homes are more likely to invest in their neighbors and their community.

Jacob will support legislation that eliminates barriers to home ownership and that attracts more people to want to live and work in our city.

Quality of Life

Violence and pollution are harming our community. We deserve to live in a city that is free from poisonous air and contaminated water. We also deserve to live free from violence. Pollution and violence are not simple issues with simple fixes. Both have been caused by failures in the systems of relationships, of infrastructure, and of leadership.

Jacob will be a strong partner to help improve our air, our water, and our general quality of life.